My professional life has spanned ten years in technology, over twenty-five years of experience in church leadership, overseeing staff education, pastoring, and managing crisis, conflict and change in a variety of settings. For more than a decade I’ve worked with single and multi-site churches in Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Tennessee, Washington and non-US locations of Ontario, South Korea, Norway and Sweden. Other consultations included charity and educational organizations.
To maximize my range as a consultant I continually examine organizational breakthrough and comeback stories in various sectors—technology, aviation, space, the environment, healthcare, municipalities, and security. Insights gained from one realm can be leveraged for the greater good in another.

When We Look Beyond
There is one common denominator, an art, that explains why humans, in less than twenty-five years, would be able to travel from a maximum 660 mph to 4,400 mph within our skies and 18,000 mph to leave our atmosphere and land on the moon, 238,000 miles away .. or that passengers could take off and land between any two airports in the world within one day .. or that we went from tubes to transistors to integrated circuits .. and how we could communicate instantly anywhere through a global satellite system.
Each of those “moonshots”, between 1945 and 1969, required similar thoughts and practices, which took shape in the culture of collaboration, leaving a procession of proofs from re-envisioned organizations, which extend far beyond electronics, aviation, the space race or any industry, to reveal the art of breakthrough.

Years in Technology
Years in Church Leadership
Years of Speaking
Years Research into Crises & Breakthroughs

start the conversation
“My job is to enhance your event, to be aligned with your agenda. My goal is to always meet and exceed your expectations as you are planning your event. If you are interested in working with me, then please contact me directly, or fill out the form to start the conversation.”